
Less than 28 weeks

More than 28 weeks


Patient Triggered Ventilation (PVT) or Pressure Control-Assist Contraol(PC-AC)
  • Start with valume guarantee. Consider pressure controlled if large leak( >40%)

SLE 5000 Drager Babylog
PTV with TTV PC-AC with VG
Select TTV Select Volume Guarantee
()Max 8ml/kg in CLD
()Max 8ml/kg in CLD
Set Rate 60 untill good respiratoty effort then set 20 less than baby's own rate Set Rate 60 untill good respiratoty effort then set 20 less than baby's own rate
Trigger 0.2 L/min(adjust as needed) Trigger 0.2 L/min(adjust as needed)
Max PEAK INSPIRATORY PRESSURE 25-30cm H2O(adjust as needed) PEAK INSPIRATORY PRESSURE 25-30cm H2O(adjust as needed)
FIO2 as required FIO2 as required
PTV (pressure limited) PC-AC
Set PIP / PEEP 18 /4 cm H2O(adjust as nedded)
Set Rate 60 (adjust as needed)
Ti 0.3 sec(adjust as needed)
Set Trigger 0.2 L/min(adjust as needed)
FIO2 as required

Clinical indication for weaning
  • Improment in blood gas
  • Reduction in FIO2 < 0.40
  • Increase in number of spontaneous breaths
  • if over ventilated reduce VT or rate
  • in pressure limited mode reduce PIP by 2 cm H2Oeach time untill mean airway pressure < 7
  • Extubate to NCPAP when MAP 6-7 cm H2O
  • Monitor blood gages within 1-2 hours of ventilator changes

Nasal CPAP

Alternate Methods

Oxygen Index





Cooling Criteria

Toby cooling criteria
criteria for cooling
All infant that criteria that meet A and B
with in 6 hours of delivery
if infant meets criteria A but not possiable to assess criteria B(e.g After paralyxing agents), cooling should be commenced abd the aEEG should be used to assesee ongoing need.

 A. >= 36 completed weeks gestation with at least one of ths following:
  • Apgar score of <= at 10 minuts after birth
  • Continued need for resuscitatio,including endotracheal or mask ventilation, at 10 minuts after birth
  • Acidosis within 60 minuts of birth(cord, arterial or capillary pH < 7.00)
  • Base deficit >= 16 mmol/L in umbillical cord or any bllod sample (arterial, venous or capillary) within 60 minuts of birth
 B. Seizures (clinical or subclinical*) or moderate tosevere encepnalopathy, consisting of:
  • Altered state of consciousness
  • Abnormal tone (facal or general hypotonia, or flaccid)
  • Abnormal primitive reflexes
  • *Subclinical seizures-detected on amplitude intedrated EEG(aEEG)

Cooling Outside Trail Guidelines
Example might inclide:
  • infant just lessthan 36 weeks;
  • Acute postnatal collapse with a neurological examination consistent eith a diagnosis of acute encephalopathy

Relative Contraindications to Cooling*
  • Suspected significant haemorrhage or thrombosis
  • A Severe PPHN
  • *to discuss the need for colling