The main aim of first aid during aspiration episode is to thrust the abdomen/ chest upwards and inwards so that the air in lungs, pushes the foreign body

Any episode of coughing/ choking with bluish discoloration or loss of consciousness should be assumed as aspiration .

If the child can cough and bring it out themselves, then let them cough. don’t interfere until they are tired or unconscious


Call for help first

Place the infant on your knee such that they are facing down.

Grip the face with your fingers and place the rest on the body on your forearm. Keep the face at lower angle .

Now apply 5 firm blows to the back with the heel of your palm in between the shoulder blades of infant

If the foreign object is not ejected, then turn the baby on its back and place on your thighs. Keep the head at lower angle than chest of baby .

With the baby facing up, start chest compression by encircling your two hands at the chest of baby ( at level of nipples) and slowly but forcefully compress to dislodge the particle.

Keep reassessing with each set of blows.

If there is no improvement or deterioration then start CPR immediately


Call for help first

In older children you can use the abdomen thrust

Stand behind the child and encircle them with both your hands.

Clench a fist and wrap your other hand over this clenched fist and place it midway between the umbilicus and the sternum

Now pull your fists upwards and inwards

Repeat 5 times and then reassess.

If no improvement, continue this method.

If the child is unconscious or changes colour, start Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation immediately.