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To stay healthy, most doctors recommend natural foods rather than taking medicine because of concerns of artificial ingredients and the possibility of an unreliable amount of ingredient in the medicine.

The main types of food can be divided as-

  • Cereals and pulses– like grains (wheat, rice) and beans.
  • Fruits of vegetable– they have a high quantity of fibre (for constipation prevention) and vitamins/ minerals.
  • Milk and dairy – Rich in calcium, vitamin D.
  • Meat, eggs– rich in iron and vitamins

What things should a parent remember?

  • A healthy way of eating is to introduce a different variety of foods over the days.
  • Instead of repeating the same fruit each day, try to introduce different variety over the week, keeping in mind that child manages to get good amounts from all types of fruits and vegetables.It is noted that a varied diet leads to better health as it contains most required nutrients.
  • Children under the age of 5 years are supposed to have at least 5 different varieties of fruits and vegetables each day.
  • Most common problems in children can be related to Iron and calcium deficiency.
  • Iron-rich foods like meat, fish, eggs, peas, beans, lentils and fruits should be a part of daily diet. Iron absorption is helped when Vitamin C is present.
  • Fussy eaters can be handled by dragging their interest in the preparation of food. You can also educate them on the types, nutrients, seasons, growing of food, laying the table and so on.
  • This early learning of food nutrition helps develop the foundation for a lifetime of healthy eating.
  • Festivals, where all the family reunites, can be used to help children understand the different variety of foods and the association with festivals.
  • Help children develop a regular routine by feeding at fixed times.
  • Avoid unnecessary disturbances like telephone, mobile, television. Instead, spend quality time by sitting across a dining table with the whole family discussing day to day activities.
  • These practices help the child understand the importance of healthy eating and helps family bonding.

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