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  • Cough and congestions are a very tiring experience for children.

  • Smaller children may not be able to communicate their needs.

  • It’s very important to get a medical opinion in every case of deteriorating cough to make sure it’s not a serious problem.

  • These symptoms can occur if your child has any infection of the throat, nose or pneumonia. These can also occur in children with allergy disorders.


What are the home remedies that be done to assist my coughing child?

  • It helps to keep the children warm and give plenty of fluids when unwell.

  • Inhalation of eucalyptus and menthol is given to children. The steam gives warm, humid air to the child which helps relieve some symptoms.

  • In certain traditions, the rubs are applied to the chest for relief. Never apply the rub to skin directly as it can irritate. Instead, consider applying on the dress of the child.

  • These are not given to babies less than 3 months of age.

  • In congestions, nasal saline drops are used to provide immediate short-lived relief to babies. These should be given before feeds or sleep.



Never use boiling water directly to inhale to children as there is a risk of spillage and also the hot steam may cause burns to the delicate facial skin.


What are the medications considered for a cough?

  • Cough is a protective reflex. That means, the child is coughing because of an underlying cause of pneumonia or irritation to lungs.

  • It is beneficial to the child as the child’s body is trying to remove the irritation.

  • Cough syrups in the market that suppress a cough are rarely used in children as they have not shown to be beneficial.

  • If a cough gets suppressed, it could be dangerous as the child cannot remove the irritant.

  • These syrups are avoided in children below the age of 6 years, but your doctor can prescribe these for older children if he feels it helps.

  • These medications if used, should not be given for more than 5 to 7 days at a time.


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